Monday, May 18, 2009

Where do you look when you want to find a bad guy ?

Attention - Directors / Writers / Producers / Scouts:

Are you looking for that bad guy with an edge that adds real grunt to your movie? Want your villain to be so believable people avoid him in the street afterwards, your pirate to be so ferocious that every boy wants to be him, your bikie scene to be talked about in awe for years afterwards? Look up my resume, check out the show reels, give me a call !
I am an experienced professional, financially secure, no ties, willing to travel and love my job. Whilst I have work and great feedback in Australia, and love working here, my objective is to get International Interest – particularly America. I am focused on my goals, so if I have to pay my way to get there, that’s fine by me ... getting there is the goal, the journey is what it takes to achieve it. I do both with passion.
I am honest, respect the experience and directions of those I work with, and work hard.
So ...Take the step
check out the web:
Read the resume, watch the trailer:
Then contact me:
And let me turn that character you have in mind into a real entity on the screen.
Best wishes

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Hi & Thank you for coming onto my blogger page please check out my show reel split into 3 sections ! Looking for any International interest in me as an ACTOR ? Willing to travel anywhere anytime on own expense to gather the work needed to get exposure/success & dream !